
Erhaltung und Fortschreibung bestehender Softwaresysteme

Software evolution means maintenance plus further development of an existing system. Existing systems contain the accumulated experience of a company and the work of several people over many years.

The book emphasizes the immense value of existing software systems and the need to maintain them. They must be constantly expanded and regularly renovated. All this requires different techniques and methods than when developing a new system.

In this fundamental work, the authors cover topics such as maintenance and refurbishment processes, reuse, software analysis methods,
reverse engineering, post-development documentation and economic aspects of software system maintenance. Aspects of agile development projects are also
are also addressed. The chapters of the book are organized according to the activities in a software evolution process.

Authors: Harry M. Sneed, Richard Seidl

Publisher: dpunkt.verlag

ISBN: 978-3-86490-041-9

Edition: 1st edition