3 min read

Practical Tester Training with AI

Practical Tester Training with AI

The Alliance for Qualification (A4Q) supports the qualification of specialists and, as a community partner from the very beginning, also the podcast Software Testing. Stephan Goericke and Werner Henschelchen introduce A4Q and its role in further training in software testing. The “A4Q Practical Tester” is a new software testing certification that focuses on practical relevance and the application of testing methods. Using a specially developed AI-based app, participants can work on practical tasks during the course and exam to demonstrate their skills. The focus here is now less on knowledge and more on skills. An ideal complement to the ISTQB Certified Tester.

“Practical testing (…) is a very important topic, because theory is one thing, but actually working in practice is often another” - Stephan Goericke, Werner Henschelchen

Stephan Goericke is Managing Director of the International Software Quality Institute (iSQI), a global leader in the certification of IT professionals. Under his leadership, iSQI offers certifications for IT experts in various industries and is an important partner for large and medium-sized companies. It also supports social projects and voluntary work in Berlin, Brandenburg and beyond.

Werner Henschelchen is CEO of GASQ, a leading international testing provider in the software quality industry. He studied law and political science in Passau and Bamberg and was instrumental in setting up the global ISTQB standard at the ASQF. Under his leadership, GASQ certifies over 20,000 people in 12 languages from over 130 countries every year and promotes software quality in research, education and industry.

Highlights of this episode:

  • A4Q stands for Alliance for Qualification and aims to improve the qualification of skilled workers
  • Stephan and Werner are from the companies GASK and ISKI, which operate as certifiers worldwide
  • The Practical Tester certification uses AI to teach practical testing skills
  • A4Q offers training materials and exams in multiple languages to facilitate access worldwide
  • The Practical Tester program differs from traditional certifications by emphasizing practical skills
  • Testing Summit on September 9 offers free presentations from software quality experts
  • A4Q plans to continue to develop new markets and promote practical training initiatives
  • Collaboration and feedback from the community are critical to A4Q’s success

A4Qs Practical Tester and AI: New approaches in the qualification of skilled workers

Stephan Goericke and Werner Henschelchen talk about the goals of A4Q, the Alliance for Qualification, practical tester certification and the importance of AI in the learning process.

The idea behind A4Q

Stephan and Werner begin by explaining that A4Q stands for ‘Alliance for Qualification’, an association of several partners to improve the qualification of skilled workers. Stephan emphasizes: “It’s about the qualification of skilled workers, that’s our profession.” The idea was born during the pandemic with the aim of responding more quickly to market needs and picking up on new trends. To this end, a platform was created to bring experts together worldwide and quickly develop solutions and offers. This initiative has since proven to be indispensable for serving the training market more effectively.

Practical tester certification

Werner emphasizes that certifications in the field of testing have often lacked practical application. This led to the development of the ‘Practical Tester’, a new type of certification that focuses heavily on practical content. “Theory is one thing, but actually working in practice is often quite another,” explains Werner. The program uses AI-supported exam questions and practical exercises to teach testing skills in a realistic way. This represents a significant step forward in tester training.

Artificial intelligence in the learning process

A central point of the discussion was the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the learning process. Stephan explains: “Our aim is to break down the barriers to accessing knowledge.” By using AI, exam questions can be generated dynamically and adapted to individual learning needs. Nevertheless, the final exam decision is reserved for human examiners to ensure the highest quality. This innovative method enables learners worldwide to develop their skills in a more efficient and practical way.

The global approach of A4Q

A4Q pursues a global approach to further education. Stephan emphasizes: “We want to facilitate access to knowledge.” This is achieved through an international network that offers training materials in several languages. Translations are currently available in English and French; other languages such as German and Spanish are planned. This multilingualism enables A4Q to serve different markets effectively and reach a broader target group.

Future plans and visions

Werner explains future plans: “We have an incredible number of ideas.” One focus is on expanding practical training programs and integrating new technologies such as AI. A4Q also plans to cover other areas of software qualification, including project management and software architecture. The long-term plan is to provide a comprehensive range of training programs that meet the ever-changing needs of the industry.

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