3 min read

Happy Birthday Podcast

Happy Birthday Podcast

Today is the day: Happy 1st Birthday, Podcast! The first year is over and I’m looking back. Back to the birth of the idea of making a podcast for you. Back to the planning, the implementation and the partners who support the podcast and with whose help the reach has become so great that we already have more than 23,000 downloads. And I look back on 67 episodes - and then look ahead, because there’s still a lot in the pipeline! Another 2 partners will be joining us soon. The times we live in are super exciting when it comes to AI - it has been and will continue to be a topic of conversation. Your regular feedback shapes the podcast and I am so grateful for that! Thank you to all the listeners who have made the podcast great and shaped it. Thank you to all the community partners who support the podcast and give it more reach. Thanks also to my assistant, who has been with me from day one and has been such a great help with the planning and implementation. Without all of you, the podcast would still be just an idea today! THANK YOU!

“All the conferences, which were also a big highlight for recording the on-site episodes. (…) That’s always very special for me because I can talk to the interview guests there live” - Richard Seidl

Richie is an expert in software quality and agility and a passionate optimist about the future. As a consultant, coach and mentor, he supports corporations, startups and SMEs on their way to more quality in their software. He has seen a lot of software in his professional career: good and bad, big and small, new and old. Software so beautiful it makes you want to cry and software that makes your toenails curl. One thing is clear to him: if you want to create excellent software today, you need to think about the development process holistically: people, context, methods and tools - only when everything works together does a mindset for potential development and innovation emerge.

Highlights of this episode:

  • The podcast turns one year old and celebrates with one episode a day this week
  • Over 23,000 downloads, 1200 subscribers and lots of positive feedback
  • Many exciting guests and partners have contributed to its success
  • The idea for the podcast came from a video interview with Tilo Linz
  • The podcast is broadcast on over 20 platforms, including a YouTube channel
  • Future topics include artificial intelligence (AI), accessibility, security and soft skills
  • The community can support the podcast through a special program
  • There are plans for podcast listener meetings at conferences and online

Further links:

A year full of insights, innovation and community: the ‘Software Testing’ podcast celebrates its birthday

In this post, we celebrate the first birthday of the ‘Software Testing’ podcast, look back on a year full of exciting episodes, guests and topics related to software quality and AI, and look ahead to what the future may hold.

How it all began

Exactly one year ago, the podcast ‘Software Testing’ was launched with the vision of creating a platform where experts in the field of software quality could exchange ideas. The impetus for this came from a video interview that was actually intended for a blog. This interview clearly showed me that it is difficult to capture the depth and liveliness of a conversation in text form. So the idea was born to make this exchange possible via a podcast. Since then, we have achieved over 23,000 downloads, gained more than 1,200 subscribers and received countless valuable feedbacks. It’s amazing to see how a simple idea has grown into such a strong community.

A year in figures: Downloads, guests and subscribers

Since the launch, we have achieved an impressive 23,000 downloads and built up a loyal audience of over 1200 subscribers. Every week we welcome new guests - experts from the industry who share their insights and experiences. It’s this diversity of perspectives that makes our podcast so special. The regular feedback from our listeners confirms time and time again that the exchange is not only beneficial for us, but also for the community.

The role of AI in software quality

In this first year, one of the most important topics was undoubtedly artificial intelligence (AI). We discussed in depth how AI influences software quality - both in terms of testing AI-based systems and the use of AI in the testing process itself. The insights and stories of our guests have shown: We are just at the beginning of an exciting development journey. AI offers incredible opportunities to improve quality in software development, but also presents us with completely new challenges.

Community engagement and support

Our podcast would not be the same without the active participation and support of our community. Through regular feedback, suggestions for topics or guests and even financial support via our community platform, our listeners contribute significantly to the further development of the podcast. This commitment clearly shows that we are more than just a collection of episodes - we are a living community that grows and learns together.

Looking ahead: what awaits us

After a successful first year, we are looking forward to the future with great anticipation. With topics such as accessibility in software development, security tests, documentation and test automation, we have already put together an exciting agenda for the coming year. But what really brings our program to life are the suggestions and requests from our community. This way, our podcast always keeps its finger on the pulse and remains relevant for our listeners.

A personal thank you

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart - whether you have been with us since day one or have just joined us. Your interest, curiosity and support make this podcast what it is: a platform for exchanging ideas about quality in software development. I look forward to many more hours of exciting discussions with you!

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