
People & Tech

3 min read

Accessibility - Preparing for 2025

The implementation of accessibility standards from 2025 presents companies in Germany with new challenges and opportunities. The new Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG) affects a wide range of products and services. The focus is on practical...

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3 min read

Practical Tester Training with AI

The Alliance for Qualification (A4Q) supports the qualification of specialists and, as a community partner from the very beginning, also the podcast...

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3 min read

Sustainability in IT - Yes, please!

Sustainability in IT is becoming increasingly important, especially through performance optimization. Carlos Fernandez, experienced software...

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3 min read

Acceptance Test-Driven LLM Development

First of all: Sorry for the poor audio quality, unfortunately we only realized this afterwards. I hope the content will make up for it :-) The...

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3 min read

ISTQB in Practice at Bucher und Suter

Alex Meister set up and designed the software quality assurance department at his company Bucher & Suter AG. That was an exciting path, as Alex is...

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2 min read

(Test)data radical cure

“There’s a budget again. It just needs to say AI on it.” - Richard Seidl Test data management is currently experiencing a renaissance. Driven, of...

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2 min read

Transition to Open Source Test Automation

The transition from an old test automation framework to a new implementation can be a real challenge. Nikolaus Rieder, Test Automation Engineer at...

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2 min read

Stoicism in Software Development

Self-control, calmness, thoughtfulness - these are just a few of the stoic principles. You can integrate them into your private life, which leads to...

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3 min read

Test Pyramid - A Critical Look

Everyone knows the test pyramid, everyone immediately has its image in mind. Sometimes it has three floors, sometimes four. But it is worth...

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2 min read

For, against or both?

“Being against something is easy!” - Richard Seidl “All happy families are similar; but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own special way.” So...

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