1 min read

Flow = Mindset 

Flow - this topic has been on my mind for a long time. I love immersing myself in activities that I enjoy - whether privately or professionally. And really getting into the flow, forgetting space and time, not only makes me feel happy, but also gives my life more lightness and allows me to face many things more calmly. And last but not least, it’s also a kind of strategy for me to actively work in this complex world and take responsibility instead of just passively observing.

To achieve this state again and again, I have installed many tools and little helpers in my life. But it seems much more important to me:

  1. The question of mindset: A new time management tool here, a bit of productivity there and wellness once a month. Such selective changes are a start - but the topic only really takes off when it reflects your inner attitude. Yes, I would say: “Flow is a question of attitude”
  2. The will to change: Every new method, habit, tool or ritual initially also means getting out of your comfort zone. And that takes courage and sometimes a thick skin.
  3. Every life is different: What works for one person may hinder another. The only thing that helps is to try out what suits you.
  4. Nothing lasts forever: Change can always mean that things you have grown to love no longer work. The only thing to do is to keep reflecting, mucking out and integrating new things.

My Flow - My Principles

Flow is a question of mindset and attitude. In contrast to methods and tools, attitude cannot be implemented overnight.

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