
Richard Seidl is an expert in the fields of digitalization, agility and software engineering. As a consultant, coach and speaker, he works with renowned companies, including Volkswagen, OTTO, Raiffeisen International and other well-known large companies, as well as with respected small and medium-sized enterprises. He has shared his experience in 6 specialist books, many specialist articles and lectures. He has been fascinated by computers since his childhood, when the Internet was still a long way off. He turned this passion into a profession and worked as a software developer in the depths of programs and websites. With the advent of agile methods in the early 2000s, he acquired his coaching skills and now combines both worlds: Technology & Humanity. Clients, participants and audiences appreciate this unique combination and the ease with which he communicates complex topics in a simple and entertaining way.

“Richard brings Silicon Valley to Germany”
Chris Ball
“Richie also knows how to present complex relationships in an exciting and entertaining way. This makes the content easy to remember and integrate into everyday life.”
Holger Stridde
“...He impressed the participants with his presentation and provided many new impulses....”
Lukas Linke
OTTO Group
“Digitalization is not coming - it's already here! I want to help shape a fantastic future with technology AND humanity”
Richard Seidl



Everyone is right

... At least a little. And in their own world. Or to put it in the words of Niklas Luhmann: “It could be completely different”. Respecting this and putting yourself in the other person's shoes is not always easy. But it helps to be more relaxed, more appreciative and to accept people for who they are.


Agility is an attitude

Agility is an attitude that helps to get the best out of a situation through self-organization, courage, trial and error and openness. Reflection and self-actualization enable flexible adaptation and continuous growth.

Enthusiasm for technology

Technology with heart

Technology is the tool to shape our future. But only if we put people back at the center. Technology as a medium, not an end in itself.


Experience - the basis of life

We live in a time of lifelong learning - be it from experiences, feedback, criticism, failures, successes, but also from school, books, seminars, training courses or workshops. Ultimately, however, we learn from people - and people learn from us.

Certificates and training

  • Systemic coach according to the value-balanced concept
  • NLP-Lehrtrainer, DVNLP
  • MasterCoach, DVNLP
  • Certified hypnotist
  • iSQI Certified Agile Essentials
  • iSQI Certified Agile Business Analyst
  • iSQI Certified Agile Tester (CAT)
  • QAMP — Quality Assurance Management Professional
  • CMAP Certified Mobile App Tester — Foundation Level
  • ECQA Certified Innovation Manager
  • ECQA Certified E-Learning Manager
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Full Advanced Level
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Advanced Level — Test Manager
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Advanced Level — Technical Test Analyst
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Advanced Level — Test Analyst
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Advanced Level — Test Automation Engineer
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Foundation Level
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Foundation Level Extension Agile Tester
  • ISTQB Certified Tester — Foundation Level Extension Model-Based Tester
  • IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering — Foundation Level

Partners and memberships

Personal - The course of life


Born in beautiful Vienna and grew up there - with Lego, Märklin, Gameboy and Nintento NES.


My first own PC (a 286 with 80MB hard disk). My father (programmer at HP, still a pioneer at the time) enabled me to let off steam with technology in the future and encouraged my curiosity, my love of experimentation and my thirst for knowledge.



My first modem and thus access to the wide world - which was still quite small back then. Mailboxes, Fido-Net and Compuserve - and a touch of the Internet.


Pilot access to the Internet via telecable. At speeds that were unimaginable at the time, I went online. I develop my first websites and join my father as managing partner - SEICON EDV GmbH



First programming jobs at a bank, website development for small companies


More focus on software quality and requirements engineering. First agile projects. In summer, my father dies unexpectedly, and I continue to run SEICON in addition to winding up his other companies



A major software testing project for the Free State of Saxony starts in Dresden. I pull up stakes in Vienna, liquidate SEICON and move to Dresden. First presentations at conferences and congresses.


My first book "Der Systemtest" is published by HANSER Verlag. Further projects follow in the logistics and banking sectors. First coaching assignments and further lectures and keynotes.



My second book "Software in Zahlen" is published by HANSER Verlag. I move on to Potsdam and accept a position at a medical technology company. I head up the testing department there and introduce agile processes.


My daughter is born, to whom I now devote a great deal of attention. At the same time, I start my first coaching courses. My third book "Basiswissen Testautomatisierung" is published by dpunkt Verlag.



My fourth book "The Integration Test" is published by HANSER Verlag.


 I give my first lecture at the TU Dresden. Book number five "Agile Testing" is published by HANSER Verlag and book number six "Softwareevolution" by dpunkt Verlag.



 I am intensifying my training in coaching and personal development. In my projects, I am beginning to combine my professional skills with more empathy and change coaching.


First eBooks on agility and software. Admission to the International Coach Federation and Gerald Hüther's Academy for Potential Development.



Move to Essen.


Admission to the German Speaker Association. Tech trips to Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hong Kong.